8:00 AM | 21 Gordon Street East
11:00 AM | 1155 Bruce Road 12, Formosa
Patrons can expect a collection of books, DVDs, and educational materials, including tech kits. The Bookmobile is also outfitted with a free Wi-Fi hub. The Bookmobile staff are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming space and assisting patrons of all ages.
7:00 AM | Teeswater Culross Community Centre
Come learn more about the technical aspects of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization and Canada's plan at the NWMO Discovery and Demonstration Centre in Oakville! Transportation and lunch is provided.
Contact NWMO Site Engagement Associate Dorian Charette at dcharette@nwmo.ca or 437-577-3236 for more information.
5:00 PM | 13 Community Dr. Formosa
It is your responsibility to ensure you are on the list.
Ensure you are on the Voters List for the 2024 Referendum By-Election by contacting the Municipal office or attending a revision centre.
9:00 AM | 13 Community Dr, Formosa - Formosa Community Centre
5:00 PM | 24 Vincent St
It is your responsibility to ensure you are on the list.
Ensure you are on the Voters List for the 2024 Referendum By-Election by contacting the Municipal office or attending a revision centre.
8:45 AM | Teeswater Culross Community Centre
Join us on September 24, 2024, for a tour of the Ontario Power Generation facilities in Tiverton. Explore the Nuclear Sustainability Services-Western Waste Management Facility and see firsthand the storage of various waste types, along with the manufacturing and monitoring of Dry Storage Containers for used nuclear fuel.
Limited spaces available, with priority given to South Bruce residents over 18 who haven't had the chance to join a tour before. Bus transportation is provided from the Teeswater Culross Community Centre. Don't miss out – reserve your spot now.
Visit www.southbruce.ca/OPGTour and complete the form in full by Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 4pm to register.
6:00 PM | via zoom or 21 Gordon Street East, Teeswater, Ontario
This meeting is hybrid. You may attend in person or via Zoom Video Conferencing. Priority to attend in person meetings will be given to those associated with a Public Meeting required under the Planning Act and delegates.
To join the webinar:
Passcode: 474963
Or One tap mobile :
Canada: +15873281099,,96893199106#,,,,*474963# or +16473744685,,96893199106#,,,,*474963#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Canada: +1 587 328 1099 or +1 647 374 4685 or +1 647 558 0588 or +1 778 907 2071 or +1 204 272 7920 or +1 438 809 7799
Webinar ID: 968 9319 9106
Passcode: 474963
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/adYW02vRUI
All regular meetings are open to the public and you are invited to attend.
How to join a zoom meeting as an attendee.
Copies of the agenda are available for viewing prior to the meeting on the municipal website.
Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council and its Committees should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available through the agenda process which includes publication on the Municipality's website.
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